
You Can Never Love Someone, As Much As You Can Miss Them.

  The quote in my title, I use to never believe. When I met my girlfriend, love was the strongest emotion ever to me for her. But, it wasn't until that first moment when we had to be away, that the quote made so much sense. You see, you can love, so so much. But, missing someone becomes a pain you cannot deal with. You cannot handle to be absent that person. When they leave, you miss a part of your heart. And you only feel complete when they come back.

  People can put up a wall, and shade their emotions from others. But, the truth is. When you miss someone so much, nothing else matters. Missing that person becomes all you do. All you think about, all you feel. All you want is them to come back. That is how you know you're in love. When you cannot go an hour without that person. When letting go, is never an option. When missing that person, is what occupies your mind. More than any other thought. You know you are truly in love. When going a day, without them, is pure agony. When they occupy every thought of you.

  You miss their touch, their voice, their little small things they do. Like the way their nose wrinkles at the certain smells, or the way they look at you like no one else can. You miss that little laugh, that only they do. You miss the person so much,yout every cell screams for them to come back. Only will you know true love, when you can not go a day without someone. Most will say you're overly attached. Or, they will say you are obsessive. But, the day will come when they feel the same. Then, they will know, exactly what the lovers quarl is. The lovers flu, when you are missing your other half.

  In closing, I want to part you with these words..
  Don't ever let others make you believe you are wrong to miss someone. Don't let the opinion of someone saying "stop obsessing over so and so" or if they say "Get over it, you will see them in X amount of days, hours, etc." Pay them no mind. Do not worry, because you know you have found your true love. When, you can find a person that means enough to you, that your very heart weeps when you two are parted.


With Every Loss, There is A Greater Gain.

  So, many of you are probably ting theresitt.. having lost someone, maybe you lost a loved on orr a sibling, maybe some kind of family member. Maybe a parent or a grandparent, or a lover. A best friend. Whoever you have lost in your lifetime. Do not fret. While, they are not here physically they will always be with you in spirit, in the good times you spent with them. All those good memories. So do not grieve, not for long."A man that does not weep, is a man that does not live" That quote, is the perfect example. You must mourn someones death. But, all living things die. So take with you a grain of salt at the passing of another. While it may be sad, it is for a good reason. We all pass, we all come to that moment in our existance. Where we cease to exist.

  Or first instinct whe faced with the death of someone we care for, is to mourn them. But, we get so obsessed with death and loss, that it controls us. We become driven by it. Like some kind of sick fantasy. We go back to the, "what if's" And often, we doubt ourselves. Let me be the first to tell you, doubt can kill a man faster than any weapon on earth. Doubt in ones self,has such detrimental effects on your life. You start to question everything, every aspect about yourself. About your life. It can kill you slowly. Can kill any relationship you have, because you must have faith in yourself. You must believe, beore you can achieve.

  In saying that, it brings me back to death. If you do not believe they are at peace, you two will not be.You must trust in the forces at will. And trust that your loved one, is at ease. Resting peacefully, so your mind can rest. You musn't question, what is written in our stars. We are all born, in simple terms, to die. We are all dead when we are first born. We always ask questions about it. Why? What's the point. But, don't spend your whole life, in a confused state. Don't ask question after question. Until one day, you ask "where did all that time go?" We must not look to the past, and worry about things which we cannot change. Nor can we look at the future an wonder what will be. We must live for the here and now. We must not stray. And find ourselves in a world, of questions with no answers, and time ran out.

  So, I leave you with this single thought.
The next time, someone you know and love passes. Do not weeap, do not cry. Show your mourning. Your condolences for the dead. And move on, it will be hard at first. But, do not worry, for your loved one is in goo hands, and always with you in spirit, in your heart.

The Owl Outside My Window.

   They Say, "A coward dies a million deaths. But a warrior dies but one".Our lives are full of choices. We make a choice everyday, do we live or do we die?Do we make that choice, to gie up on something because it's "hard"? Or that choice that, no matter what we are faced with.. We stay strong. Do we go with our heart, or do we follow the crowd? These are the things that define us, the things that make us who we are today.

  We are faced with choices, day after day. And how we respond to those situations, make us the person we wish to be. You see, life is made up of so many different people. Who make different choices. At different times in their lives. We are all on a different plain of the same reality, a reality we create for ourselves. When we make a choice, we alter that reality. We are all like owls outside the window of another. We sit and observe. We take in the things we surround ourselves with.

  Those things are absorbed into our consiousness, and mold us. Mold our minds and our hearts. Mold our very beings that we control. We can change anything we do not like about our lives. It is a choice that we, and we alone must make. "a coward dies a milion deaths. But a warrior dies but one". That is a quote I live by, a quote that drives me. Will you be that coward, that never makes a choice to follow his or hear dream? that coward that never takes a chance, or takes risks? That person, who never knows what it's like to feel the joy of success? Will you be that person looking back on their life asking, "what if?" or thinking of "what coud have been?"

  Or, will you be that person that warrior. The one who takes a risk. That doesn't have to look back on their life. Because their past matters not. It's a past that does not haunt them. It drives them. It keeps them motivated. To keep going, tokeep working towards their goals. They never wonder or worry about the "what if" or the what "could have been" They are living those dreams others gave up on.

  So, will you be the warrior, living your dreams? Or will you be the owl, sitting outside of someone elses window?


More Than Four Letters.

  Love.. A word so over used now a days, it has lost all its original meaning behind it. Many claim to be in love, to love. Yet, they cannot give a definition of it. Outside of a dictionary, that is. When I think of love, my mind automatically wanders to my girlfriend. How we met, almost 8 months ago. But, it feels so much longer. You see, love has no time. Love knows no bounds. Has no limits. You see, love is so much more than a simple definition. And those, lucky enough to experience this weird phenomena, is blessed eternally. 

  You see, love means so much. Yet means nothing, with the over use of it. Love, is that 6 a.m. sunrise, that glistens off their face so perfectly. That time you can laugh, like you never have before. When that person, makes you feel like yourself, like a person. Love, is that moment, of silence. Yet you feel so wonderful, you feel at ease like the world stopped spinning. Love, doesn't need words to be felt, it's an aura emitted from lovers and lovers alike. And, that person who is meant for you can feel that aura. We get so caught up in "heart-break" when this simple feeling, emotion, only exists in true love. That temporary pain you feel when your significant other leaves, will not last long. Sure, memories and good times remain. Each person you give your heart, leaves with a tiny piece. But when you find your true love, they restore it in its entirety. 
  We get so caught up in puppy "love", simply feelings we think are forever. When we cannot fathom real love until it happens. Love, is when you fight, and no matter how much you hate that persons actions. You forgive and forget, because that's what real love does. It doesn't matter, all the arguments in the world cannot stop what true love embodies. See, lovers have a bond, a certain bond only they know about. You cannot describe love, not in words, sometimes not even in actions. But, when you do feel that, trust me you'll know it. And when you know it, hold onto it. You cannot, let true love slip away. It's meant to be, but only if you show it you're meant to have it. It comes but once in a lifetime, and make sure you're ready.

  The only way to describe love to you, I guess is that, when you can sit in front of someone, and stare into their eyes. You see every flaw in them, every freckly, every hair follicle, every pimple and black head, every split and dead end, the crusty stuff in their eyes, the scars from a past you can only fantasize about, the way their pupils widen and slim, the small hairs on their face, the way their eye brows are shaped, and everything in between. You look into those eyes and see their soul, for what it's worth. You see another human being, man and woman alike. You look at a person, and pick out those flaws you see, maybe they have a crooked tooth. Maybe they have bad acne, or they have a bad hairline. Maybe their nose is big, or they have bad breath. Maybe it's something major and, they're disabled. Either mentally or physically. Love, is that moment where, none of that matters. Not a single bit. You learn to love those flaws, just as you love the other parts of them. You don't see those flaws. You see the person, your heart, standing in front of you.

  Love is not sex, and sex is not love. In order to have sex, one does not have to be in love. But the meaning, is not the same. You can have aimless sex, with multiple women. 100's of women. But the meaning is the same, a way to get yourself laid. You only think about yourself. When you have a drunk one night stand, or sober for that matter. Do her feelings matter? Do his? No. It's simply two people wanting sex. Sometimes, only one person wants it. And, that moment is not special. It is meaningless. When you are in love, truly in love with someone. Love, is passionate. It no longer is about, "can I get it in" It becomes, your duty as a lover, to please your other. Your mate. We humans are born to pro create. To not have sex, but to make love. Sex, when combined with love. Has a whole other meaning. You cherish every moment every second of it. You think of that other persons feelings. You no longer care, to finish first. Or to just please yourself. You care, if they are pleasured. Because, that's what love is. Love is selfish sometimes, you have to love yourself. But love, for the most part, is selfless. You no longer are worried solely about yourself. You are two souls, conveying into one existence on this plain of reality. 

  So take with you, if not anything else, this.
Be patient, be strong, be willing to sacrifice. And ultimately, love yourself. Because, to truly feel the whole love of another, one must first love themselves. One must be willing to sacrifice. And one must be willing to show, they are ready to feel anything, before they can be privileged to love.

Kick Start, intro.

  A wise man once told me, "follow your dreams, and don't let anyone stop you". That same man, was like a father to me. He told me, "son, I'll be your father, you don't need him". He was referring to my biological father. I am referring to my best friends dad, who was like my father. You see, I never really had guidance in life. Not until him anyways. He always kept me on track, always kept me going in the right direction. And, that is exactly what I intend to do. Am I the smartest person in the world? Not by a long shot. But, I do have wisdom.
  I intend to post things, to inspire people. TO follow their dreams. And, to never give up. That is what life is about. About finding a dream, and following it. At any cost. The Wright brothers didn't give up. We now have airplanes. Despite all the hate and criticism. Thomas Edison, if not for him, we would not have light to this day. You see, these people had dreams and they followed them. If they had not, we would not have things we love and cherish today. 

  Don't let others influence your actions. You live your own life. Follow your dreams, you might be the next big thing. And, if you aren't do not  get discouraged. For, when one door closes, another one opens. Everything happens for a reason. While the reason is not always clear, it is there. Keep your head up, and keep strong. You all have a place in this life. Even if you feel worthless, you have your destiny. Don't think you're an exception to it.

  I use to be you, I use to be that person who felt like a failure. Like I was never good enough, I am 21, 22 soon. And trust me when I say I saw rock bottom in my life. But I stuck through it. And, I am blessed with the most amazing girlfriend, and I am happy for once. So stick to your true self. And, don't let the world change you. Let yourself change the world.