
With Every Loss, There is A Greater Gain.

  So, many of you are probably ting theresitt.. having lost someone, maybe you lost a loved on orr a sibling, maybe some kind of family member. Maybe a parent or a grandparent, or a lover. A best friend. Whoever you have lost in your lifetime. Do not fret. While, they are not here physically they will always be with you in spirit, in the good times you spent with them. All those good memories. So do not grieve, not for long."A man that does not weep, is a man that does not live" That quote, is the perfect example. You must mourn someones death. But, all living things die. So take with you a grain of salt at the passing of another. While it may be sad, it is for a good reason. We all pass, we all come to that moment in our existance. Where we cease to exist.

  Or first instinct whe faced with the death of someone we care for, is to mourn them. But, we get so obsessed with death and loss, that it controls us. We become driven by it. Like some kind of sick fantasy. We go back to the, "what if's" And often, we doubt ourselves. Let me be the first to tell you, doubt can kill a man faster than any weapon on earth. Doubt in ones self,has such detrimental effects on your life. You start to question everything, every aspect about yourself. About your life. It can kill you slowly. Can kill any relationship you have, because you must have faith in yourself. You must believe, beore you can achieve.

  In saying that, it brings me back to death. If you do not believe they are at peace, you two will not be.You must trust in the forces at will. And trust that your loved one, is at ease. Resting peacefully, so your mind can rest. You musn't question, what is written in our stars. We are all born, in simple terms, to die. We are all dead when we are first born. We always ask questions about it. Why? What's the point. But, don't spend your whole life, in a confused state. Don't ask question after question. Until one day, you ask "where did all that time go?" We must not look to the past, and worry about things which we cannot change. Nor can we look at the future an wonder what will be. We must live for the here and now. We must not stray. And find ourselves in a world, of questions with no answers, and time ran out.

  So, I leave you with this single thought.
The next time, someone you know and love passes. Do not weeap, do not cry. Show your mourning. Your condolences for the dead. And move on, it will be hard at first. But, do not worry, for your loved one is in goo hands, and always with you in spirit, in your heart.

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