
You Can Never Love Someone, As Much As You Can Miss Them.

  The quote in my title, I use to never believe. When I met my girlfriend, love was the strongest emotion ever to me for her. But, it wasn't until that first moment when we had to be away, that the quote made so much sense. You see, you can love, so so much. But, missing someone becomes a pain you cannot deal with. You cannot handle to be absent that person. When they leave, you miss a part of your heart. And you only feel complete when they come back.

  People can put up a wall, and shade their emotions from others. But, the truth is. When you miss someone so much, nothing else matters. Missing that person becomes all you do. All you think about, all you feel. All you want is them to come back. That is how you know you're in love. When you cannot go an hour without that person. When letting go, is never an option. When missing that person, is what occupies your mind. More than any other thought. You know you are truly in love. When going a day, without them, is pure agony. When they occupy every thought of you.

  You miss their touch, their voice, their little small things they do. Like the way their nose wrinkles at the certain smells, or the way they look at you like no one else can. You miss that little laugh, that only they do. You miss the person so much,yout every cell screams for them to come back. Only will you know true love, when you can not go a day without someone. Most will say you're overly attached. Or, they will say you are obsessive. But, the day will come when they feel the same. Then, they will know, exactly what the lovers quarl is. The lovers flu, when you are missing your other half.

  In closing, I want to part you with these words..
  Don't ever let others make you believe you are wrong to miss someone. Don't let the opinion of someone saying "stop obsessing over so and so" or if they say "Get over it, you will see them in X amount of days, hours, etc." Pay them no mind. Do not worry, because you know you have found your true love. When, you can find a person that means enough to you, that your very heart weeps when you two are parted.

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