
The Owl Outside My Window.

   They Say, "A coward dies a million deaths. But a warrior dies but one".Our lives are full of choices. We make a choice everyday, do we live or do we die?Do we make that choice, to gie up on something because it's "hard"? Or that choice that, no matter what we are faced with.. We stay strong. Do we go with our heart, or do we follow the crowd? These are the things that define us, the things that make us who we are today.

  We are faced with choices, day after day. And how we respond to those situations, make us the person we wish to be. You see, life is made up of so many different people. Who make different choices. At different times in their lives. We are all on a different plain of the same reality, a reality we create for ourselves. When we make a choice, we alter that reality. We are all like owls outside the window of another. We sit and observe. We take in the things we surround ourselves with.

  Those things are absorbed into our consiousness, and mold us. Mold our minds and our hearts. Mold our very beings that we control. We can change anything we do not like about our lives. It is a choice that we, and we alone must make. "a coward dies a milion deaths. But a warrior dies but one". That is a quote I live by, a quote that drives me. Will you be that coward, that never makes a choice to follow his or hear dream? that coward that never takes a chance, or takes risks? That person, who never knows what it's like to feel the joy of success? Will you be that person looking back on their life asking, "what if?" or thinking of "what coud have been?"

  Or, will you be that person that warrior. The one who takes a risk. That doesn't have to look back on their life. Because their past matters not. It's a past that does not haunt them. It drives them. It keeps them motivated. To keep going, tokeep working towards their goals. They never wonder or worry about the "what if" or the what "could have been" They are living those dreams others gave up on.

  So, will you be the warrior, living your dreams? Or will you be the owl, sitting outside of someone elses window?

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